Best Tips For Hair, Makeup, & Health When Traveling
When packing for your cruise, keep in mind that space is fairly limited so smaller sizes work best. Travel sets are definitely the way to go since they feature multiple products, often come in their own travel pouch, and are the perfect size for even a 2 week trip. Before every trip for a minimal investment, I buy a few new items so they are full, fresh, and easy to pack.
Helpful Packing Hints
- Pack each toothbrush in a plastic travel case (a different color for each family member.)
- If you have color treated hair, definitely bring your own shampoo and conditioner. Even the top salon brands come in smaller, travel sizes.
- Packets of make-up remover and/or cleansing wipes. I love the Neutrogena brand. [Note: This is an affiliate link] These are so easy to travel with since they won't spill and are non-breakable. Don't forget to throw a packet in your carry-on bag to refresh during a long flight.
- Do you have a stash of sample perfumes or colognes that you've picked up at the fragrance counter? (If not, run to your local department store and just ask!) I never pack a large bottle of fragrance, but throw in a few sample bottles of perfume. They take up little room and you'll have a variety for your entire vacation.
- If you are cruising in a suite or staying in an upscale hotel or resort, they often provide cotton balls and swaps conveniently in the bathrooms for you to use. That means less to pack!
Forget something when traveling? If you are staying in a resort, don't hesitate to call housekeeping or stop by the front desk and inquire if they have the item you've forgotten. My oldest son recently was staying at the Conrad Fort Lauderdale Beach and forget a razor and shaving cream. Within four minutes, 2 complimentary sets magically arrived at his door.
Don't Forget...Take Care of Yourself
- If you are traveling during the winter or spring season, unfortunately these top travel times are often at the height of flu season. It can't hurt to increase your vitamin C, get more sleep, and drink lots of water the week before traveling.
- And stock up on sunscreen! If you are traveling to a sunny tropical destination from an area where you've been bundled up in heavy sweaters all winter long, the last thing you'll want is to spend your vacation with a painful sunburn.
Virtual Hair Tips for Women
- Can't live without your flat-iron? The good news is most cruise lines don't have restrictions about bringing them. I've brought a flat-iron hair straightener on many Celebrity Cruises. However, they can be heavy and bulky to pack when traveling. I love having a Keratin hair straightening treatment before cruising. Then I ditch the flat iron and get dressed for dinner faster with a lot less fuss.
- With that said...if you have a Keratin treatment, the salt water can be harsh on your treatment. To combat this, wear a hat when out on deck or in the pool. Ships swimming pools are typically saltwater but even if filtered, they are never completely free of salt. But if you aren't a hat person (like me) and you know you'll be enjoying the pool or ocean, take a small amount of conditioner and apply throughout your hair. This will create a film and protect your treated hair from the elements.